Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Dinner @ Bob's

Last Saturday we met bond. No no . Not J.Bond, this was my friend - bond. He came down from Mumbai to spend his spare time which he is getting between job shifts. (How lucky?) It was nice meeting him. Actually it was nice meeting lot of guys, some of them whom I met after a year or so even though we are living in the same city.

We went for dinner at 10.30 to a place called Bob's near indira nagar. It is a small one but quite well lit. More an eat-out than a restaurant. But the greatest part was quality. The roti and parattas were really good and so were the curry. It was almost as good as Lalita's parota in Dickenson rd, but the prices were decent enough. It is not just your main course that satisfies you but the side items too should be good. In that way Bobs was really satisfactory because of buttermilk. I never had one like that before. Even the guys who usually never have buttermilk had two glasses of them.

Not sure what is the specialty there as we went at 10.30 and not much option we had, but with that limited exp, I am very satisfied with Bobs'. Do drop there to check out yourself. It is off Indranagar 80 feet road, you need to take left from the road which leads to jeevan bhima nagar.


Chax said...

hmm i missed this yar.
I was stuck at home with back pain and there was work too ..

Prakash Venkat said...

Wow ... good to see the bobs post.