Friday, September 22, 2006

Yahoo Beta!!!

I had heard about this from my friend. I wanted to get one but heard that it is only thru invitation. ! I was curious to know how yahoo is going to improvise its mail in order to beat gmail. There is no doubt that yahoo is the leader in that space, yet google is google;) . So I was desperately waiting to try yahoo beta. Then I saw it in techspot.

So do the following if you want to upgrade your yahoo!!! It worked for me and it may work for you too, though I saw some comments that it doesn't work for few. :(

1. Log in to your yahoo mail account
2. on the top left, besides "mail" button, there is one down arrow, click there..
3. Go to "option"
4. on the left panel, click on account information...
5. Click on "edit" under membership information
6. In the first panel, u will find "Preferred Content", click on it.
7. Select "English-United Kingdom"
8. Save changes
9. Go back to your mail window...
10., Now keep this window open, and in a new window, open, and login...u'll get an invitation to join "yahoo mail beta version"!!!!

Looks good n cool. Similar to local web client (what we use in office) with scrollable inbox and other stuffs.
I am finding it bit slow when it loads (unlike yahoo!!!) but it is fine after sometime (ajaxified??)
Yet to use it properly, but first impression is good, though not that exiting!!!

Also not sure how many know abt this.
Click on ! of Yahoo! [] top left corner :)
Don't forget to keep your speakers on!!!

Yahoo Rocks!!!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Getting COO -ed

Not sure what coo-ed means (is there a word like that?) Too drained to google for that.
Past one week, I am doing a junk, boring and important work. On the day, when I joined back my office after a week's fever, my manager greets me with the info that there is a boring job waiting for me :). I knew it was coming, but didn't really want it.
Basically the work is this. The release for which I was working (Linux release) needs the Certificate Of Originality (COO). Guess every s/w produced will have this. So what is this COO ? COO tells that that particular software is our own original product and we list all the borrowed and bought codes and their licenses. That means, I need to sit and find out what are the third party softwares we are using, names of the individuals whose copyrighted files we are using, open source files, blah blah blah ....
Believe me, it is painful, pitiful, unrewarding, dangerous and an important work. Dangerous and imp because incase I make a mistake in finding out the complete info , say I miss out the info that we are using another company’s library or code and if found later, it will cost my job. Also the probability of that company suing mine is also there. So I need to find these info and we need to put these copyright info in the license doc or copyright info. That’s legal dept's headache. My job is reporting those company info and where we are using in our code and why???

I worked even on weekend and from Sunday, I am working late till 12.00 in the night.
Finally it is over and has to answer few more questions to the manager in US.
For few days I forgot that I am a s/w engg :)

Wondering I can ever do a manager’s job. I mean non - technical work and which involves a lot of paper work!!!.


Friday, September 15, 2006

ADding Sense or ADding nonSense ?

Finally I too added nonsense to my blog. Nope, I am not talking abt my posts...

I am talking about AdSense. Google’s premier innovation, which is fast catching up among bloggers, caught me too. So I enrolled for it and added adSense code into my blog .

Two things I managed to do.

1. Google search bar, which is not aligned properly and not working at least on my firefox.

2. Advertisements at the end of the blog . From the time I added, only bharat matrimony ad is getting displayed. !! Is god sending me some msgs (or rather atleast google is doing)...

Ok. Lemme see how much I will earn ;) . My dear folks,do visit bharat matrimony or whatever is getting displayed, whenever u remember saka!!

Hail Google!! Hail AdSense...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My Life :: Post 9/3

Sunday 03/09 : 13:15 ::::: 98.6
Sunday 03/09 : 17:15 ::::: 99.6
Sunday 03/09 : 19:15 ::::: 103
Monday 04/09 : 09:30 ::::: 104
Monday 04/09 : 12:30 ::::: 104
Monday 04/09 : 17:30 ::::: 102
Monday 04/09 : 20:30 ::::: 103
Tuesday 05/09 : 09:30 ::::: 102
Tuesday 05/09 : 12:30 ::::: 100
Tuesday 05/09 : 15:30 ::::: 100
Tuesday 05/09 : 19:30 ::::: 100

These are not bus numbers or chart of a market value of a share.
These are my temperatures when I feel sick.
Yep, this week, my body temp touched 52 week high, (all time high, I guess, at least as far as I remember). Sunday afternoon, after having lunch in sagar's new home, I started experiencing wrist pain. I had plans of roaming in Indranagar that evening to buy a gift for my sis birthday, but all I managed to do was sleep on my bed and the fever caught me. Treated for chikun gunya in the local hospital and I was hardly recovering. Even on Wednesday, my stomach refused to accept anything solid, and promptly throws up even horlicks. That’s it. I decided to go to Chennai at any cost. And I did pay a heavy price, for the taxi to majestic ;) and a tatkal c/c ticket (which is usual).

The rest of the week, all I did was resting, resting and resting. And this resting process was broken occasionally to have juices, soups and idles... Wow. I really enjoyed. If not for my manager, I would have extended my 8 days leave, but, u know... I am always duty conscious!!!

Now I am back to take up my responsibilities in Bangalore, yet feeling home sick ;)

Got to gear up....